Style in itself is an artistic vice. Or maybe the better wording would by that art in itself is a stylistic device. Either way, one reflects the other and they should be treated as one and the same. Visual quality is only relevant to the point that it does not interfere with the message conveyed by the piece, not as far that it defines the entire production. You may be particularly fond of a flower some fellow drew and be underwhelmed by its message and the inherent creative expression, or lack thereof. Alternatively a solo flower in a field surrounded by dead soldiers, drawn poorly but still recognizable for what it is still provokes thought. As such even the bulkiest of artistic stylings have some merit.
Here I am, trashing as much of conventional art as possible and having a great time in the process. Stark raving minimalism works, or at least provides a different way of transcribing your message of choice. Here I see it as fitting given the one-dimensional portrayal of everyone to date. If I want to make a "serious" go at this, I'm doing notebook sketches, but I don't so it all works out.
I was hit in the head by a football thrown at a respectable speed today, which is why I am feeling particularly philosophical. More strips to come on Thursday and Friday, you will enjoy them I assure you.